⏱ The Best Minute: Fighting out distracted environment, getting started, and making a decision


If you struggle to focus, stay on task, or with spending too much time on your phone, it’s important to remember that it isn’t simply due to a lack of willpower; our modern environment is set up for you to fail.

  • Social media apps are designed to keep you on the platform

  • Notifications, gamification of apps and software, and the fear of missing out are designed to keep you coming back

  • Advertisers mine your personal data to make you less content with what you have

Here is why knowing this matters; instead of blaming yourself, focus on creating an environment that helps you fight back. Don’t rely on willpower alone. None of us can successfully win the war of our attention in the world we currently live in. Instead, we should create habits and routines to help us focus as best as we can in our technological age. Here are some things I do, have found helpful, and would encourage others with:

  • Take email off your phone

  • Turn off all notifications on your phone

  • Decide what times of the day you won’t check your phone

  • Decide what times you won’t check social media, news, and other time-sucking sites

  • Turn off your phone at night before you go to bed

The goal is not to will yourself to focus better but to predetermine what your game plan will be to fight distraction. It will never be perfect, but it can get better. Habits, not willpower, will be of better help.


I. Flora Rheta Schreiber on starting before you feel ready:

“You’re never ready for what you have to do. You just do it. That makes you ready.”


II. Doe Zantamata on the importance of making a decision:

“Every decision brings with it some good, some bad, some lessons, and some luck. The only thing that’s for sure is that indecision steals many years from many people who wind up wishing they’d just had the courage to leap.”

💯 1 Resource I Recommend

77 Highly Practical Ideas For A More Productive And Fulfilling Life

If you enjoy the ideas I share each week on the Best Minute, 77 Highly Practical Ideas will give you just that, all in one place. If you are looking for easy-to-implement tips and easy for a more fulfilling life, get this ebook today.


You should buy new shoes in the morning.

Throughout the day your feet swell as you use them. If you try on new shoes with swollen feet, you might opt for a bigger pair of shoes than you need, because every morning, our feet are technically at their original size.

Granted that your feet might become bigger throughout the day, but they’re already in your shoes, so they would expand together with your shoes. Unless you are wearing metal shoes, which doesn’t sound like a great idea to begin with.


What problems could I avoid in the future if I said what needs to be said today?

Want more from me? You can connect with me online on Twitter and Instagram.


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