The Best Minute: Doing what matters, desired outcomes, and understanding others


I. Sam Allberry on following Jesus:

“What does God love that I’m tempted to hate, & what does God hate that I’m tempted to love? What does God want me to let go that I’m tempted to grip on to, & what does God want me to grip on to that I’m tempted to let go?”


II. Derek Sivers on doing what matters:

“When you experience someone else’s genius work, a little part of you feels, ‘That’s what I could have, would have, and should have done!'

Someone else did it. You didn’t. They fought the resistance. You gave in to distractions. They made it top priority. You said you’d get to it some day. They took the time. You meant to.

When this happens, you can take it two ways: You could let that part of you give up. ‘Oh well. Now I don’t need to make that anymore.' Or you could do something about that jealous pain. Shut off your phone, kill the distractions, make it top priority, and spend the time.

It takes many hours to make what you want to make. The hours don’t suddenly appear. You have to steal them from comfort.”


I. The more specific your desired outcome, the more likely you are to hit it.

  • I want to run more this year VS. I want to run 10 miles a month

  • I want to play the guitar more VS. I want to learn 2 new songs this month

  • I want to control my emotions better VS. I want to think for 5 seconds before responding

Make it specific and you’ll hit your general goals. Make it general and you’ll likely miss it altogether.


II. Here is a trick to help you be more understanding with those you disagree with. Remember that you would likely think exactly like they do if you had the same life experiences as them.


America's first bank robber deposited the money back into the same bank.

At the Bank of Philadelphia on Aug. 1, 1798, a sum of $162,821 was stolen from the vault. There was no sign of forced entry so it was thought to be an inside job. Patrick Lyon was imprisoned as the prime suspect, as he had been the carpenter that worked on the vault doors.

But then, they realized a man named Isaac Davis had been depositing large sums of money into the Bank of Philadelphia. It turned out, he was one of the robbers involved. In 1799, Lyon was freed, and Davis only ended up repaying the money without serving a day in jail.

Source: Best Life


What little thing is bothering me that I haven’t taken time to fix? Can I fix it today?


The Best Minute: Mindset, change, and wisdom > rules


The Best Minute: On getting started, decisions, and choosing busyness