⏱ The Best Minute: Less is more, being creative, and how to lead


If you want to get more done in less time, reduce your quantity and increase your quality.

Less is often more. Instead of haphazardly returning to things with less structure, be more intentional when you do it and your quality will increase.

  • People who check their email less often ironically have better control of their email

  • Pastors who designate a few intentional times to sermon prep often write better sermons than those who work on it every chance they get

  • Musicians and writers who follow a predetermined schedule often produce better work than those who work in fits and starts when they are feeling more creative

Why? Because planned intentionally will always increase your output over unplanned and haphazard work. Personally, I check my email much less than the average person, yet have total control of my inbox (if you want some practical strategies, here’s how I do it). Why? Because I designate when I will check my email and work through all of my emails when I do.

Whether it is writing a weekly sermon or working on a weekly project, it is better to spend a block (or blocks) of intentionally focused time on the task instead of fitting it in with fits and starts whenever you have extra time.

Creating content or art of any kind happens by repeatedly showing up even when you don’t feel like it. Often, the juices will start flowing if you just show up.

You can get more done in less time by reducing the amount of times (quantity) you work on something and instead schedule when you will work on it and only focus on that task during that time (quality).

If you intentionally reduce your quantity, you can often increase your quality. Less is more. You just have to be intentional with your time.


I. Robert Greene on what stops creativity:

“Understand: the greatest impediment to creativity is your impatience, the almost inevitable desire to hurry up the process, express something, and make a splash.

What happens in such a case is that you do not master the basics; you have no real vocabulary at your disposal. What you mistake for being creative and distinctive is more likely an imitation of other people’s style, or personal rantings that do not really express anything.


II. Joseph Chilton Pearce teaches parents (and all leaders) an important truth:

“What we are teaches the child far more than what we say, so we must be what we want our children to become.”


Autonomous standing desk.

In actuality, many brands of standing desks would work, but I personally have one from Autonomous and have enjoyed it. My one recommendation: get one that has the ability to set height presets and automatically heightens/lowers on its own (so you don’t have to do it manually). I’ve been using a standing desk for a couple of years now and enjoy the ability to stand (and sit) throughout the day.


There are only two countries with names that begin with "The."

You might find yourself saying "the" before various countries and place names when referring to them, thanks to grammar and common pronunciation, which is why we say the United States or the Maldives. However, only The Gambia and The Bahamas formally include "the" in their names.

Source: Best Life


Imagine you are given the ability to repeat something in your life. Which period of your life do you choose to repeat? Which phase or day would you want to go back to? Does that tell you anything about how you should be spending your time today?

Want more from me? You can connect with me online on Twitter and Instagram.


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