⏱️ The Best Minute: The ONE reason you’re not doing the thing


Let me tell you why, using an example from my Blackstone griddle, you are not doing ____ (the thing you want to do more of but aren’t) with more consistency.

Two years ago, I bought a Blackstone griddle (pictured below on the right). I went from never cooking and rarely grilling to using this thing 4 to 5 times a week, practically every week. Not only that, but I am now up to 7 people who have also purchased a Blackstone after I showed them how great it is (at some point, I'll apply for a sales job for them).

I've realized the reason many don't use their Blackstone griddle as much as expected has nothing to do with ability or desire. The real culprit?

There is too much friction involved in using it.

It's because they don't have a prep cart like mine (pictured below on the left). Without a dedicated prep station holding all the needed supplies, you have to lug everything out and put it all away after cooking - grilling utensils, food, dishes, cleaning supplies. That creates a lot of friction.

My prep cart holds all my utensils, trays, and cleaning supplies. It gives me space right next to the griddle for food prep and serving. In other words, it's easy for me to fire up the Blackstone because I only need to grab the ingredients - the friction is minimized, so it gets used frequently.

Here’s the point: You need to reduce the friction to do the thing you want to do more consistently.

For example:

  • Want to go to the gym more? Join a gym closer to your house or work.

  • Want to read more? Always keep a list of at least three books you want to read next.

  • Want to go to bed on time every night? Turn off your phone 30 minutes before bedtime.

  • Want to grill more? Get an outdoor prep cart/station.

It's not your motivation holding you back from doing something more often - it's the pesky little areas of friction. Identify them and remove those speed bumps, and you'll find yourself following through consistently.

Next week in The Best Minute I’ll share why you need a shutdown routine to end your workday and some ideas of what yours could look like.


I. Scott Adams on success:

“If you want to be successful, find out what the price is and then pay it.”


II. Patrick Collison on the value of reading:

“You could try to pound your head against the wall and think of original ideas or you can cheat by reading them in books.”


The Advantage by Patrick Lencioni

A helpful look at what creates health in an organization and why it is so important. While the are a good number of suggestions given, there is likely at least something for everyone to try or think through in their organizations.

Employing all of the strategies, while likely helpful, could also seem overwhelming without some outside help. So that takes away from the book a little for me.

Still, it was a good read and worth it for those who might want to improve the health of their workplace.



Do you really need more time, or do you need to make a decision?

Want more from me? You can connect with me online on Twitter/X and Instagram.


⏱️ The Best Minute: The BEST way to end your workday


⏱️ The Best Minute: 3 ways to eliminate phone distractions