⏱️ The Best Minute: The BEST way to end your workday


Did you know how you end your workday impacts how you feel that evening and your productivity the next day? Having a shutdown routine is vital for helping you relax after work and boosting your focus for tomorrow.

The key question is: What would best help you start working right away? Think about what would keep your workspace ready so you can dive straight into tasks when you start your day. The early hours are your most productive, so use a shutdown routine to prepare for an energized morning.

My shutdown routine includes:

  1. Clearing my email inbox to 0 (click here to see how I do it)

  2. Completing or rescheduling all tasks on my to-do list

  3. Planning my calendar for tomorrow

  4. Closing all browser tabs

  5. Tidying my office

Clearing my inbox is crucial for peace of mind and ensures no one falls through the cracks. Rescheduling any remaining tasks ensures I end the day without lingering things to do. I may move some things for another day, but mentally that helps me know that I am done for today.

Planning my calendar the night before keeps me focused, I know exactly what I’ll be doing when tomorrow. Closing browser tabs forces me not to use my tabs as a task list. It ensures that the next time I open my computer, I’m ready for a fresh start. Tidying my office space helps me start the next day without clutter.

To do this yourself, take 5 minutes to jot down a simple shutdown routine. It's easy to implement and the payoff in relaxation and productivity is huge. Your future self will thank you for starting each day prepared and ready to work.

Next week in The Best Minute I’ll share why you should create a system of quickly tracking thoughts and requests so you don’t miss a thing and how I personally do it.


I. John Maxwell on good leadership:

“A good leader is a person who takes a little more than his share of the blame and a little less than his share of the credit.”


II. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry on how to motivate others:

“If you want to build a ship, don't drum up the people to gather wood, divide the work, and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast endless sea.”


Get Rid Of The Performance Review by Samuel A. Colbert

This book is about why performance reviews are typically dreadful for all involved and produce the opposite effect of what they are supposed to do. Instead, he argues for performance previews.

I enjoyed and agreed with the idea of the book and his solution. However, a lot more was written about all the downsides of performance reviews than was needed. Anyone reading this book is likely already open to the idea of doing something different.

I also felt his solution could have been teased out more and given more practical examples. Less time arguing against performance reviews and more time spent writing about what to do instead would have made the book better. Still, the idea behind the book and what to do instead makes it worth it for me.



In what specific way do you want your life to be better at this time next year?

Want more from me? You can connect with me online on Twitter/X and Instagram.


⏱️ The Best Minute: How to NEVER miss a task


⏱️ The Best Minute: The ONE reason you’re not doing the thing