⏱️ The Best Minute: How to RESPOND to mistakes

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You must live with your mistakes, but no rule says you must compound them.

To follow a poor decision or a lapse in judgment with a foolish reaction means you’ve now lost not once, but twice. This makes course correction even harder. After all, you’ve already blown it multiple times so why not just give up and start over another some other time?

The better course of action is to assess the error and ask yourself, “Given what just happened, what is the best next action I can take?”

  • I ate something that goes against my meal plan. What is the best next action I can take? It probably isn’t giving up for the day.

  • I missed the deadline to turn in my assignment. What is the best next action I can take? It probably isn’t giving up on the overall grade you are shooting for for the rest of the semester.

  • I never replied to that email and I know they feel ignored and disrespected. What is the best next action I can take? It probably isn’t continuing to ignore the person and trying not to think about it.

A wise response won’t erase a bad mistake, but it can redeem it. A foolish response to a bad mistake will only compound it, and it could lead you to abandon your original plan altogether because of the friction it has now caused.

Mistakes happen, but whether you redeem it or let it ruin depends on what you do next.


I. Aristotle on how to be excellent:

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”


II. Julie Gurner on the importance of asking the right questions:

“The questions you ask yourself will largely determine the answers you get.

  • “Why am I not successful?” You’ll get answers that berate you.

  • “How can I succeed here?” You’ll get answers that push you.

Be deliberate in the questions you ask yourself.”


If The Tomb Is Empty by Job Martin.

This book does a great job walking through the overarching storyline of the Bible that leads to Jesus. It’s hard for me to rate this book (so I won’t for this one) as it became clear that it is not written for someone like me (a pastor with great familiarity with the Bible).

Rather, I’d recommend it for those interested in Jesus or new to the faith. Scripture is a unified story that leads to Jesus. This book does a good job of demonstrating that.


The Arc web browser.

I recently switched from using Google Chrome to Arc as my default web browser and I am very glad I did. I recently got a new laptop, and yet more than once an hour Chrome would randomly freeze up on me for 10-15 seconds at a time. I use a dual-monitor setup but do not run complicated software. That really shouldn’t have been happening.

I came across Arc on Twitter/X from other people recommending it. I never have any lagging issues anymore, and while the design is different than your typical web browser, I have come to really appreciate it. Give Arc a try if you are looking for a more smoother experience.


Your habits, not your desires, shape your life.

In which direction are your habits currently steering your life?

P.S. Is it cake?

Want more from me? You can connect with me online on Twitter and Instagram.


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