⏱️ The Best Minute: 3 things that make going to bed EASY

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Everybody wants to improve the quality of their sleep, and many of us also wish we could fall asleep more quickly. For about two years now I have been doing 3 things every night to make both of those desires a reality. Below is what they are and how you can implement them too.

1. Get ready for bed before it's time for bed

On a typical night at home, right after dinner I floss my teeth, take out my contacts, change my clothes, pick out my clothes for the next, and make my lunch. This means when it’s time to get in bed, I only have to brush my teeth. There is hardly any friction to getting to bed, so there is no reason to delay it.

2. Turn your phone off before it’s time for bed

I’ve been doing this for about two years now and believe it or not, the world has not yet imploded with no one able to get a hold of me at night. For me, I turn my phone off about 30-45 minutes before I go to bed. Why?

It’s too easy for me to grab my phone and mindlessly scroll, keeping me up unnecessarily and causing me to waste time. With it off (and not in another room where I could still easily walk over and use it), I’ve got nothing to find other things to do. Especially at night when we are more prone to sit and scroll after being tired from the day, I instead do things more helpful like read and sleep.

3. Read 15-30 minutes in your room before bed

Sometimes this is in a reading chair in my room and other times in my bed with a reading light. The important thing is that I do this in my dark room with only a light for reading. This helps my mind and body know it is time for bed soon, and reading in a dark room almost always helps me feel more tired. It helps me fall asleep quicker than not reading at all and laying there with my eyes closed.

I don’t know why or the science behind it, but it does. If you only did one of my three recommendations, this is the one that will make the biggest difference. It doesn’t matter what you read, but this sort of consistent ritual before bed will train your body to prepare for rest.

And if you want a resource on the importance of sleep that will change how you view the need for it, check out Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker. It’s a fascinating read and one I highly recommend.

Next week in The Best Minute I’ll share how I wake up in the morning in the most peaceful way possible, so be sure to check back next Tuesday.


I. Charles Baudelaire on how to find inspiration:

“Inspiration is merely the reward for working every day.”


II. Ann Hill on the importance of focusing on the right problems:

“Not every problem needs to be overcome, just the ones stopping you from getting where you want to be.”


Die With Zero by Bill Perkins

This book is about maximizing your experiences in life, and why the traditional ideas of saving, inheritances, and charitable giving have some major flaws. The book itself was decent, but the overall ideas presented in the book are great and thought-provoking.

I’d recommend this for anyone wanting to live an overall more fulfilling life. I’m glad to have read it.



Below are the two reading lights I use and recommend.

LED Book Light for reading in bed.

LED Desk lamp for reading in my reading chair.


An unhurried life is not a virtue, it is a choice.

A busy life is not a defect, it is also a choice.

Which type of life are you currently choosing?

Want more from me? You can connect with me online on Twitter/X and Instagram.


⏱️ The Best Minute: 2 things that make getting up EASY


⏱️ The Best Minute: Why you NEED to have fun