The Best Minute: On success, how to spend your time, and who you are


I. Jack Welch on success:

“Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.”

II. Elizabeth Gilbert on how to best spend your time:

“If you’ve reached a certain age then you know what works for you. You should know by this point in your life what time of day you’re ‘good' — like what time of day is your brain at its best. Because the reality is we all get, maybe, two good hours a day where we actually feel awake and alert.

“And the big, important question is: Who currently gets that time from you. The best time from your brain every day—who or what currently gets that? And would you be willing to take it back so that it’s yours and then give the world the ‘second-rate' version of you (which is the other 22 hours of the day)…”


I. Much of our feeling of busyness comes from a lack of courage. We are afraid to tell people “no,” and so we end up doing all sorts of things that are not the best use of our time. Learn to say no so you can say yes to the things that really matter.

II. You are much more than what you do, but what you do shapes who you are. Do the right things and you become the right type of person. Do the wrong things and what you do turns you into someone you don’t want to be.


The original London Bridge is now in Arizona.

The London Bridge, originally constructed in 1831, was starting to fall apart by the 1960s. As a result, the City of London decided to sell it and build another. In 1963, American entrepreneur Robert P. McCulloch bought the bridge. He dismantled it and shipped it to the United States piece by piece.

The bridge moved to Lake Havasu City in Arizona. McCulloch founded Lake Havasu City, and he wanted the bridge to serve as a tourist attraction. The reconstruction took three years to complete.

Source: Fact Site


What is the real reason why I’m afraid to tell anyone about it?

P.S. I hate it when people say age is only a number. Age is clearly a word.


The Best Minute: On how to treat others, Christianity, and reducing distractions


The Best Minute: On genius, being optimistic, and big decisions