The Best Minute: on failing to success, taking it more seriously, and doing the right thing


I. Winston Churchill on success:

Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.

II. James Clear on forcing yourself to take something more seriously:

“If you want to take something more seriously, do it publicly.

Publishing an article pressures you to think clearly. Competing in a race pressures you to train consistently. Presenting on any topic pressures you to learn it.

Social pressure forces you to up your game.”


I. You can do the “right” thing without actually doing the right thing.

  • You can do the “right” thing by staying within your monthly financial budget, but not if it is because you avoided helping someone you knew you were supposed to help.

  • You can do the “right” thing by doing exactly what is expected of you at your job, but not if you knew you could have done a better job.

  • You can do the “right” thing by making sure to spend time with your spouse, but not if it is only when it is convenient for you.

You can do the “right” thing without actually doing the right thing.

II. Patience is the key to progress. We give up when we have unrealistic expectations of how long it takes to see change. So instead of setting a numerical goal, set a goal of forming a new habit.

  • Plan to go to the gym twice a week instead of trying to lose 10 pounds.

  • Plan to read 15 minutes a day instead of trying to read 10 books

  • Plan to end your workday at a set time every day no matter what instead of trying to spend more time with your family.

When we form better habits, we will surpass the goals that we likely would have given up on anyway because we didn’t reach them fast enough.


Chameleons don’t change color to match their environment. Rather, they change color as a response to mood, temperature, health, communication, and light.

Most color changes are simply due to mood changes or for communication purposes. For instance, the Panther Chameleon will change to red and yellow when they are angry or are getting ready to attack. This serves as a warning to other chameleons and humans to back off. Some types of male chameleons will also change to mixed bright colors when they are trying to attract a nearby female chameleon.

Source: I Found Out


Did I give up on that too soon?

P.S. What’s Forrest Gump’s password?



The Best Minute: On consistency, good choices, and fewer regrets


The Best Minute: on doing what matters, personal growth, and moving forward